3 years ago

Shaking things up!

Hope you are enjoying AM X cause things get more sillier and crazier from here.

you see in the past few hours(yes im being honset here) i've come to notice that the expectations of am games as rising beyond normal, this is partly the reason why am x beta 1 took so god damn long, so i thought, why not go back to square 1 and return back to the simpler times ya know? when everything was silly and comically random, remember 2019, back when am 2 was made, it was funny silly and random, updates would release every other day, barley any expectations at all, and just, plain comedy and the fullest,

so as of today, i am offically anouncing a spin-off of the am games, meant to be same comically randomness that was am 2 v2.0-2.3, featuring someone that most am players will remember...

it would be out probably in a few weeks. since im going full laser-focus on this game. so stay tuned.



Next up

FPE RP Game Snapshots

all these snapshots were taken between (9/17) to (9/18)

so i tried rebooting the golden gamer channel and uhhh.... yeah that happened...

alright alright alright, hear me out(and not in the way that you think, get your mind outta da gutter. alrigth, so what if, there was a dee4 animted series, based off of these 4 shows combined. how would you feel about that?

Hello i am me, here me oc's

more oc/character refs will be added soon

might put em' in a place, maybe when i finally renovate that website of mine!

1. yoyle cake

2. cute

3. hi

4. box



just watched someone count every fnaf character(books included) so i made a improvised challenge, basically if he mentioned a character from the books that has the same name as a OC of mine, i would draw said OC on a board, and here's the results.


man i sure do love messing with a tweet generator.