
21 days ago

she ballad on my afton till I mister

(read article)

OK. CRACKS KNUCKLES I'm back again chat hello

I am DONE with chapter 2 FOR REAL. I finally colored ALL the art the past 2 nights including kills including game overs including branching paths. let's FUCKING go

I've added more to clarisse's demise in chapter 1 .. VERY cool scene has been added optionally for the final version and a call back so straight up an old fanfic of mine.. 😁 only literally 2 real ones on the planet would know but trust me it goes nuts + an alternate kill scene for her

I've also added another minor addition to the fazbear's scene in ch 1 just for quality of life and story flow, another scene to let you know kim and william are walking room to room ✌ one more funny joke added .

I am COLORING the MCI for chapter 3, I finished all 5 of the routes you take for susie, gabriel, jeremy, fritz, cassidy, and the optional final choice, this is a heavy heavy story load so it took me a good while and I tweaked the cassidy one a lot but I am very happy with the final product.. sometimes to get away from real fnaf one must look inwards to canon for inspiration...


this scene in help wanted freaked me the hell out to play in VR so bad .. I always KNEW I'd have to call back to it one day . 🙂

I'm sketching out both of the routes you can take to either progress or game over after the MCI, the art of um. you know. stuffing the suits is a little difficult but I've waited until I got more dynamic at art and I think its gonna turn out dope this always scared me so so so bad when I was like REALLY young and I want to get it peak since you actually see it on screen.

chapter 4.. is also almost done with all the art, which is out of order but sometimes I get dr. sunshine brained and I've been working rlly hard on that, we have it pretty outlined but I need to finish off the 87 pizzeria with drawing the bite and 2 small kill scenes 😁 other than that we have key frames

I HAVE BEEN WORKING VERY HARD ON CHAPTER 6... I am glad to announce after putting it off for (checks watch) 5. months. i drew all the fazbear's fright backgrounds in one day i actually had a lot of fun and it wasnt that hard. lmao even. uh no my vision turned out hella dope because mine is a little closer to the battington version with the metal grates everywhere and it has a very specific layout because springtrap is like behind these grates because he actually is doing his job as a scare actor and it's rad for the kills I have planned. yay

need to finish the springlock failure but that's a lotttt i have some key frames but this one is pretty huge, I'll get to it

right meow my focus is chapter 3 because it is such a big deal, I'm about to get to the actual like ahh five night freddduyy stuff with the animatronics hanging out and their banter between eachother, I've fixed their sprites as well for the occasion



Next up

BIG devlog # 19826382919183 random picture blast GO

vanessa fnaf 1 security guard .. win for women in the work force .😁!! actually horrible for her dude me when springtrap is in the walls or some shit 👻👻👻

been doing sprites for a few days.. we're getting there.. limiting myself to fewer expressions for side characters helps a ton

really proud of william and his cleavage in this sprite.. might be my new favorite outfit of his bye runs away giggling cutely

game but also not

uhh for the past 6 hours I've been working on revamping my ms. thing cosplay, I've had the suit for almost 4 years now but it looked kind of shitty, I'm using myyy game design though if there's any fans of her from the demo in the crowd

I miss her like hard liquor ... I need to draw but the devilish urge to play my little game ..again..

quality of life update: new TLD title screen (we've waited 3 months for her...) and tboma screen is purple now as much as i heart the blue this fits GUI

doing some sprites right now


AS PER POPULAR REQUEST... more choices are coming to ch1 AND the prologue right MEOW i am so sorry for it being dry at first gagaga i just havent had the time to go back..

update freddy ashtray is real, inspired by this thing I have