3 days ago

sheila it's pretty obvious on why @Zyckoo_ hates you, you keep on dickriding @AngelTheLatinHedgehogOfficial

and kept on annoying kaskade.

to @SheiliYourGf if ur reading this:

go outside, leave them alone, touch grass and stop being delusional bitch 💀

1 comment


Next up

hey osman, mind quit lying and stop running from ur actions lil bro 💀


"Hey LowTierMario, what about the bunnygirls' designs?"

me rn:

get this mf reported and get him tf outta here @DHsllp23-10h

gambler leopold and bartender leonard finished

I'll post jake and pre springgirl soon

a good luck poster i made for 2 lul


mario party ds

last post for rn

jake (based on the modern sprite, mb if its inaccurate) and pre-springgirl (and mb if the feet are too large)

Mario 64 but lowtiergod

texture adding

bartender leonard and gambler leopold W.I.P.

(this is for TEOAASTC tho)