SHOWMAN'S: Long Hours

2 years ago


Devlog for Long Hours!

Hey all, it's been a while, hasn't it?

For over the past month I got really burned out from working on Long Hours, and to be honest, it's sort of still lingering, but despite that, things still have gone (very) slowly but surely! I'm hoping it will speed up soon here though, because I am getting a little more into development again, which is pretty nice.

Like I said in a post before, I really don't think Long Hours will release this year. I mean, we practically have just four months left. And again, I seriously, seriously appreciate your patience and support! I really do care about this project (as much as it drives me insane sometimes) and I really want it to turn out the best it can possibly be!

In other news, Phobia: The Awakening will be celebrating its SECOND public release anniversary on the 27th! It will also be the first anniversary of Long Hours' official announcement and game page going up, too!

Last year's anniversary was pretty awesome and filled with neat stuff dropping every hour, but unfortunately, I don't think this year's anniversary will be as exciting, as much as I really want it to be.

There'll very likely be a few things there, but probably nothing SUPER major. Only time will tell for now though!



Next up


To make up for all of the swapping between engine stuff, have an INCREIDBLY early look at Wendy's (somewhat) updated model! There's a lot that's subject to change of course!

Yes, she's still in Chapter 2. Very important character!

After a lot of brainstorming, I think I just figured out the basic idea for the gameplay of a multiplayer horror game I’ve had in mind for like 8 years now. So many amazing inspirations have popped up over the years which have really helped!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Hey all! Not necessarily related to Long Hours, but I've been meaning to do another Q&A again lately.

Please check the comments first just in case someone else has asked the same question you have. It just makes it a little easier for me!

Ask away!

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They will eventually take over this game's page once they've awakened.

There is nothing you can do to stop them.

“Knock, Knock.”

General update on Long Hours.