JAPARITALE [Undertale Fangame]

3 years ago

Short Progress Report - March 2021

Howdy! You are currently reading our third devlog! This one is short, but expect longer progress reports in the future!

Today, the devlog is going to be about Cerval, our Discord Server and even more!

Cerval's Script

About her script, it is currently almost done for the demo. Some elements of the game will change due that too!

For example, you would normally type your name in the original game. But in this game, you choose your name when Cerval gives you a paper for you to sign. There will be also three or four questions instead of just two, like in DELTARUNE! Neat, right?


This image shows a part of the script of Cerval's dialogues. It clearly shows that you will able to talk to her, and even wait to be ready for registration.

The Discord Server

The Discord server is finally tidied up! Don't forget to join the Discord server of Japaritale, because you'll be able to chat with people, and heck, I post more frequent progress there!

Regarding About the Development

The development of the engine is going really nice! When my engine gets done, the game will finally be in development once again! Since TML's engine had some lack of features, I've decided to make my own engine. Don't worry, though, I still have motivation to create the game.

The Website

I've been thinking to recreate the website for Japaritale, but I'll make it later on. It may look a lot similar to TS!Underswap, but I'll make everything with my code and knowledge of HTML.

That was everything covered!

Thank you for reading the devlog, and I hope you all have a nice day, everyone!



Next up

Important Announcement — JAPARITALE Monthly Progress Report (June 2024)

JAPARITALE v2.0.2 is Released!

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

Until further notice, JAPARITALE's release has been delayed until the end of April 2023. So stay tuned!

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

New Official Social Media Pages for JAPARITALE

It's been 8 months without GameMaker


UI & Cutscene Improvements, Bug Fixes — JAPARITALE Monthly Progress Report (June 2024 No. 2)