Freddy's Spontaneous Day Job
3 years ago

Short update.

Hey everyone. I just wanted to post a short little update.

So, SOME progress has been made in the game. I haven't been too motivated lately.

I have this weird thing where I'm more motivated to work on my projects during the spring/summer, and not so motivated during the fall/winter.

And since it's almost spring, I'm hoping I can get my motivation back and finish the demo soon.

I decided I'm going to stop adding more new features and and new features on the full game. Because I feel like that's another reason why I can't finish the demo.

By the way, people have been telling me to just upload the first day like I did with the old demo and upload the second after.

The thing is, day 1 and 2 are already finished. I just need to finish the rooms you can go in. So once I'm done with those, the whole demo will be complete.

Also, voiceforge updated their website. And now you have to pay to use voices. It's $2 a month, but that still makes it pretty inconvenient for me. I'll still pay for the TTS voices, I just thought I'd mention that for anyone that wants to use Dave's voice.

That's it for this Devlog. I'm planning to do monthly devlogs now. (I don't remember if I already mentioned this but whatever.)

Have a nice day.

-Voided Games



Next up

Update is coming this weekend.

Please leave me and my family alone.

Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy lately. I was planning on having something ready for show on Halloween, but some things got in the way. We'll have an update coming soon. Here's some scrapped posters.

Here are some new renders I made for the game. Also, a big update is coming soon.



Le !

FSDJ February 2023 Update + Intro Demo update on the 17th!

Still on vacation. (With my mom, dad, and brother.) Currently staying in an Atlantic City hotel. (Pretty fancy.) I got a little bored of just sitting around in this room, and decided to post this Kiwi I drew at some point during the long car ride.

Dev Update 6/2/24