1 year ago

Si te perdiste algún post de feddy y sus amigos no te preocupes por q les hice un channel en mi comunidad

If you missed any feddy and friends post, don't worry because I made them a channel in my community

Si aun no eres miembro de mi comunidad, q esperas?

https://gamejolt.com/c/Jeremy_Communityxd-kyeg8n te invito a unirte si quieres


If you are not yet a member of my community, what are you waiting for?

https://gamejolt.com/c/Jeremy_Communityxd-kyeg8n I invite you to join if you want



Next up

No se que decir al respecto la verdad

ok everyone, let's welcome the new jenny ^^ I decided to replace the old jenny since I thought that a sheep would be more original and cute >w<

Mi humilde rincón gamig xd

My humble gaming corner xd

My daughter <3 her name is sugar


@Ginichi prende directo por 0,00001 segundos

El chat en corto:

pov le preguntas a tu amigo que es lo mas rico que a comido: