Five nights at Jerald's circus: PROJECT: WONDERLAND
1 year ago

sign up to be a trophy artest or something



Next up

he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches he watches

.- .-.. .-.. / -- -.-- / - --- .-- . .-. ... / -.-. .-. ..- -- -... .-.. . / -.. --- .-- -. / -- -.-- / ..-. .-.. --- .-- . .-. ... / --. .- ... .--. .. -. --. / ..- -. -.. . .-. / .-. ..- -... -... .-.. .

bark or bite

I forgot to post this earlier

I guess I am a conservative... cool


completely rigged and all