2 days ago

Since gamejolt's back up might aswell ask for y'alls opinion about a game concept

Uh extra things i wanna do that arent mentionned in the screenshot

Echolocation ability (with a cooldown) When using You'll do the roar and light thing from ur Mouth

makes all plauyers highlight visible for like maybe half a sec

And also figure being able to sprint for a short amount of time With a cooldown

Have a shop with ingame coins that you can get from collecting books in the library, escaping the library or killing players as figure

Figure powerups buyable in the shop:

temporarirly make the lights go out in the library allowing screech to roam for a bit and help you kill players Would be buyable in the shop

Screech biting someone would make Massive noise too so it'd make the player visible for atleast like 3 seconds

Player powerups buyable in the shop:

crucifix in shop buy with coins Yes

Maybe a few og game items like vitamins

Or a dummy/fake player to distract figure

Misc shop stuff:

Able to buy different figure walk/cutscene animations (An excuse to add both the old and new figure animations into the game)

Some other stuff not related to the shop

Leaderboard for figure kills and times escaped

Tucked away in maybe a small menu in the corner you'd be able to see fun little stats like number of times interacted with a wardrobe Number of times u collected a book Number of deaths and etc

There would be a tutorial in the game for both player and figure

Guiding light would be the one explaining the player tutorial and an EVIL red guiding light would explain it for figure

Upon dying as player guiding light would give tips

Upon not killing all players as figure EVIL RED Guiding light would give you tips

Map voting for door 50 and 100 And figure encounters in the mines idk how important they are i havent reached that part of the game myself yet

Chances of maps being hardcore which basically buffs figure a lot like his sprint speed

The amount of seconds for which players are visible when echolocation

Heartbeat minigame being way faster

And figure's range to see players is increased (Even able to see crouching players aslong as theyre really close to him)

Uh i think thats about all for now

This mostr likely will not become a real thing just like all my other concepts and ideas



Next up




this is what gameplay would look like as figure

image in article is how the structure looks to normal players

Mijlley Ear's? With the mickey? No! @Kargosin 's Mibble Jey Ear


new bloxstrap font peak Yes yes
