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First attempt at making Cameras, heres the Right Hall. Not so great but definetly decent and will get improved soon enough. This way i can test now the next locations easily. Any suggestions? Posters will be remade by the way, too blurry. But the vibeeeee
Almost done with Bonnies camera on the left. What next would u want to see me making next?
New Looks for the UI elements, cameras are looking even closer to what we want. What do you think so far?
Foxy's Pirate Cove and Game Area, i guess im gonna call it all GameArea in the game. Still very WIP and looking if it's going to look any good. What to do you think? Gonna again move some things and the arcade machines will be textured at some point too.
Another screenshot from the game, this time fence is on our side and slightly brighter. How is it?
Interesting but my question is, will certain creators be treated differently rather than others, or we all have equal opportunities and merits. So at the end, its on us how good things will go. Im just curious if any specific creator is having priority.
Getting close to what i trying to build. Lights now are set well and work nice. This is the image through Clickteam, still to remind u, things may change but now i feel happy about how the office looks for now. Tomorrow i start with the cameras. Also date
Some other improvements, posters and news paper on the wall. Temporary one, for the final version i will make an original one cooler. WIP
Shutout to @Whimsical_Wan and his work as he also working on own version of FNAF 1, basically Plus restoration and he does incredible job. He just helped me out with one of the cameras functions, really grateful for that :)