Siren's Night [Siren head]
4 years ago

Siren's Night will (maybe) be in development again!

Due to the fact that i was able to find the CTF 2.5 file of the game. I'll be able to continue developping it. This game really deserves to be out on Gamejolt. Unfortunately the game don't have anything of the first level anymore , the new ligthings are gone (which isn't hard to do at all) and the new posters + random ambient sounds are gone too. I'll try to remake everything i lost. And maybe make the level 1 even better!

Another BAD NEWS is that i lost every graphics i made for the game. So that SUCKS a lot , i just hope i can remake most of them somehow. Anyway i hope i'll be able to finish this game!

See you soon ! And please try making a drawing for the contest!



Next up

About 20% done

Here you go everyone! Chapter 1 is officially done!

Now working on chapter 2! "The Shop"

Second teaser

Games coming to Youtube premiere 4 :

TAL update (50%)

Little Nightmares Last Tv (23%)

ASD apocalypse (WIP)

??? - ???

FNaY 6

TLS remake (30%)

Siren's Night(35%)

It's back guys!

(Siren Head fangame)

Chapter 2 - 20% done!

After 2 months without progress on the game , I am happy to say that the game developement resumes now!!!

Be HYPED for more screenshots and maybe a new trailer once the few firsts chapters are done!!!!

Only 1 frame left before Chapter 1 is done!

Umbrella mechanic is now in the game!

First teaser