Sky Stompers
2 years ago

Sky Stompers Update 1.3!

List of changes and fixes-

-Added timer feature. Now when you play the game there, the round will end after 1 minute. Player with the least amount of lives loses!

-Added tie instance, if no one wins then both players will be sitting in win screen.

-Updated Score and timer UI

-New level, Up and around!

-Fixed floor clouds collision. You no longer can get stuck on one.

-Fixed stomp cooldown. Sometimes after you died you could no longer stomp. This has now been fixed

-Fixed select screen bug where you could click one level and then click another, leading the following level to be unplayable(controls didn't work)

-Lowered down level countdown sound volume(to loud)

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BounceBorgs Concept Art

Hey my M.M.M followers, so glad you could join me! Thank you for the amazing support for the last post, its the most likes ive got on one. The game is way better then it was last time i posted, will keep yall updated! Heres a pic of a NEW cow variant!

In Sky Stompers 1v1 your friends with fast paced and fun gameplay. Stomp to win!

Buff Farmer Tucus

Official Moo Moo Martians LOGO!!!!!!

some concept art for a game idea with fighting robots

Alien Plants Concept Art For Moo Moo Martians

My first attempt at 3d modeling, with a splash of my pixel art for texturing. Used blockbench and aseprite to make this happen. Cheers!

Progress on Moo Moo Martian's!

Please follow the game page if you want more updates on development!

doodles of some clone high characters