GTLive: An Untold Story
7 years ago

Slow Progress Again

So… I have to admit something: I have ADHD.
Yeah, big shock, but long story short, I haven’t worked on the game in the past 2 weeks because I kept getting distracted. As such, I don’t think I’m going to make the June 25th deadline I set for myself -_-‘
However, I did take a week off in July when I can most likely finish the game off so probably be done mid July or something.

Another reason for the delay: Redoing the First Chapter, which is what has been preventing me from wanting to work on the game because it would involve tweaking things thru all the chapter.

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Next up

Sample of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Trying to make him more Reptilian Looking.

I just wanted to show whats planned for the final boss of Chapter 4.

Progress report

Preview of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Thanks to Rusty Mudstix for the Art.

Sneak Peak of Chapter 4. Yes, its all correct.

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Chapter 3 is almost ready.

What is in the works.

Almost Done. Needs one final tweeking for stats and Debugs.

Because reason.

Senpai has noticed us!