Gravin Town
4 years ago

Slow progress game

Hey guys,

Warlock Games here, today I am talking about the slow progress from my game: Gravin Town, The cause of the slow progress is because this is the first horror game what I ever made and I've heard that making a horror game is very diffecult to make and I am trying my best to make this game, so I have a question for you all, can you give me a few tips how I can make the game scary.

I hope you understand the surcomstances and I will see you in the next post :D



Next up

Made this in paint

Made an new Profile Picture for Account

Just one more before I have 100 followers :D

What I made for the school project:

I will join the idiots :D

Almost at 100 Followers :D

I made this because why not :D

#CSAC just made this for the event hope you like it.

"Warlock Games tripped to the battlefield"

Just created an new game

Ok, I've found quite an scummy game.