★ 》Scary Nights at Sebi TV's 4: The Season Stars《 ★
10 months ago

Small announcement or whatever that is

Today, I feel so unmotivated to work on this game due to the max mode making me angry and not able to beat, however, I got an idea to add something useful so that'll probably be beatable.

not only did I get angry over maximum ai, but I also almost had to cancel this game when I slowly didn't feel so motivated anymore in the future (not fully yet).

and, also, after this game, I want to work on another game that is not related to fnaf, I probably don't want to work on snast anymore because I think it was a bad idea to make five games, 6, or self-insert, anyway, there is really nothing else to say for now on, bye.

1 comment


Next up

LORE!!!!!!! (Just know this was made for fun).


hello, I'm still working, don't worry it's just a very slow development


More Chloe outfits.

Pizzahead outfit was requested by: @LanRicks

Shad's chloe outfit was requested by: @ItzSForShadow

Reference OC

99% done

English: and now I also finally draw Deina from the "extras" design Italiano: e ora finalmente disegno anche Deina dal design "extra" Română: iar acum o trag in sfarsit si pe Deina din designul „extra”.

hello people, I have updated Chloe a bit (+ different shirts)