Versotale [An Undertale & Deltarune Fangame]

2 months ago

Small-ish Early July 2024 Update


Here's a new update for y'all

Sorry it's not gonna be much this go around like I had hoped, but hopefully there's a couple things in here that will interest you!

THE "Where the hell's the battle demonstration showcase?" - Explanation

Gotta apologize right off the bat for this one. I was really hoping to have this done months ago. Unfortunately, refining the story and not knowing exactly when the first battle should take place, plus not knowing WHO should be in the first battle, has kinda pushed that back. And making a battle with a heavy story-based element rather than just a random encounter is not particularly easy even when you're just shifting minor elements around.

So, sorry for that one, that's entirely on me. To just be blunt, I no longer know when the battle demonstration is gonna be done.

THE "Where the hell's the battle demonstration showcase?" - Slight Change of Plans

I'm thinking that I'm just gonna shift up my plans for that to just be a generic encounter. You know, one that has no story basis at all. Something where I don't have to worry about the enemies and party members shifting all over the place. Again, dunno when it's gonna be done

But, in the meantime, I've got some smaller features to show off for y'all.

THE REST - Borders

Yep; borders, you want 'em, we got 'em!


Wanted to get something fun done! So I've implemented borders now. One of my favorite smaller features from Undertale and Deltarune's console editions. This way, should you choose to enable them, you can have borders when you go fullscreen so as to avoid that ugly pixel-warping

Here's a good example:

Without borders (Ugly):


With borders (Not ugly):


Currently it's just the sepia border that's in, but once Chapter 1's released, there'll be more options for you to choose from

THE REST - New Asriel Voice

Many a comment have I received asking about Asriel's voice and wondering why it sounds like Ralsei's. Well, to put it simply... it was a placeholder. I didn't want to use Asriel's child voice as a placeholder because, well... it would've been super hilarious, and the whole "God of Hyperdeath" voice doesn't really fit Asriel here either. But regardless, here's his new voice blip that I have finally created!

Haven't gotten a chance to show it off publicly yet, so here's a very quick voice test. Hopefully you all like it!


Amidst everything else, I've also been toying around slightly with FL Studio. I already have two amazing music guys helping me out, but I wanna be able to make some smaller incidental pieces, both for Versotale and also just for fun

Here, this is my first practice track. Apologies to any experienced music artists who stumble upon this; your ears will not be very happy


I've wanted to start making videos and maybe even streaming for a while now. So there's a chance you'll start seeing things on my channel other than just exclusively VT stuff.

Thanks for reading the devlog! Even if there wasn't as much content to talk about as I would've hoped, I hope you all still enjoyed it!



Next up

March 2024 Update

WIP Showcase 2, featuring the Sepia Intro cutscene!


Mid-April 2024 Update

TL;DR: Changes to the next Showcase Video's content, and when to expect the video's release!

Mid-May 2024 Update

Smallish Early April 2024 Update


* Smells like music.

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧…

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.