Hello! LuiZI here, I wanted to give a magical change to the Boundedtale UI to make it more like Undertale. Why? Well, I wanted things to be a little different for this reboot.
Such as the story (which I never developed in Boundedtale Legacy, just the genocidal route and a few other things), also the cast and finally the interface.
Let's start, first, now that the interface will be more Undertale. I wanted to add something in the style of DONTFORGET 2.7.9/2.8.X, where the Party of the story is shown.
This will be displayed in the order in which each member joins the party.
When there are 1 or 2 members, the life bar is displayed, and when there are between 3 and 4, the bar is directly replaced with the current character's life number.
When it is a character's turn, their icon will rise to indicate their turn, as well as display their health and LOVE.
In addition to that, if a character is in a soul/condition mode, they will be shown the condition icon, in the case of soul mode, this will show the color of the soul mode the character is in. (Example: Blue Frisk icon "Gravity Mode/Blue Soul")
Lastly, when a character falls in battle, their icon will turn grey, indicating that they are no longer available in battle. (Unless the character is revived in battle.)
That was all about adding icons and a bit of the interface, I have a lot more to explain, but that will be covered later. See you later!
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