Jump Dog
3 years ago

Small Update 11/21/2020!

Fadein and FadeOut effects have been added❗
Improved a sound when the character Dies❗

Bugs: Fixed falling into the abyss and not dying bug❗❗



Next up

Eu sei que não posto nada aqui, mas eu VOLTEI! e com um jogo novo! Tomara que vcs gostem do meu projeto! _____________________________________________ I know I don't post anything here, but I came back !!! and with a new game! I hope you like my project!

Quase! Almost!

Inicio dos teste de programação, primeiras sprites e fundo da Fase 2! Start of the programming tests and first sprites and background of Phase 2

MEGA ATUALIZAÇÃO: 0.3.0 Fase 2 incrementada no Game❗❗ Melhoria consideravel na dificuldade e na fase 1❗❗ Efeitos sonoros Novos❗ Troca de várias Sprites, inclusive os fundos❗ Melhoria gráfica absurda❗❗ Bugs corrigidos❗ Otimização leve❗

Pequena Atualização: 0.2.0 Pequenas alterações gráficas❗ Adição de mais elementos de cenários❗ Troca de alguma Sprites❗ Minor Update: Minor graphic changes❗ Adding more scenario elements❗ Swapping some Sprites❗

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is out TODAY! 🖱️Advanced pointing, clicking action 🖨️Very funny words! Loads of them! 👻6 sarcastic, spectral cases to solve

A house I've built a while ago. :)

It nicely separates the snowy biome from the grassy one.

It's built with painted Ebonstone.

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname