Popgoes Encore Returns (unoficial)
3 years ago

small update on some models

Hello boys and girls, today I come to inform you about a small update on how the models of the games are doing, so just tell you what we have done.

Freddy encore: The Freddy encore model is almost finished! It only has a few details left for its completion and the final result is amazing, I have never seen such a combination and it may surprise you all!.

Bonnie x: We have started modeling Bonnie x, what we still have is the head and the main modeler has not shown it to me because he wants it to be a surprise so you have to wait guys!.

Blake x: The Blake x model is progressing very well, we have almost finished it but we are thinking of improving it a little so that it is to everyone's liking!.

That's it for now guys and girls, the animatronics that I haven't mentioned haven't started modeling yet, we're a bit slow when it comes to modeling so this game won't be released this year! Maybe at the end of next year but we are not sure, because of how the development is going we think so, I say goodbye for today and see you another time boys and girls.

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Next up

blank x model reveal!


firts cameo animatronic reveal!

First menu design ready!


(It's not finished yet)

It's been a long time but... we're back!

the new banner is here guys!

soon we will be the new mini

shhh and if we reach 100 followers let's reveal the full popgoes encore model ;)

the first wip on the map courtesy of @Faze_doncomedia77 , you won't see any more wip from the main hall until it's finished and a teaser is done, so say what you think!