Noelle's Repentance/ノエルの悔い改め

2 years ago

Small Update Regarding the Development of Noelle's Repentance

Hey ya'll. Indinator here.

Okay. So uh... I am sorry I have gone so silent, everybody. I sometimes feel afraid to come back here and post. College is taxing as usual, and motivation was rapidly decreasing

However, I got the spark again with the release of Godot 4.

I plan to do a porting job of what I got done so far, and resume development once life allows me to do so. The porting job won't be easy, but Godot 4 looks like it might be worth the investment.

Thank you everyone who is being so pacient. I apologize for not being a speedy developer.



Next up

Heya! I am back on developing this sonic fangame now, and I actually have something to show for it (early prototype stuff shown above). It is officially undiscontinued. Progress will still be slow of course, but I feel I will have a lot of fun making it.

“Unrelaxing start” “blizzard again“ “steamy shores” “sound against bone” “puzzling death” “a foreboding conclusion?”

Well since the video I showed a while ago had some of the flower room, I might as well show you the rest.

Not really much... but eh.

Oh, and if you seen this for the first time, be sure to check out for devlogs and more!


Nevermind, lol.

Unitale is great and all, but you need Unity to do the overworld, and my computer can't run the Unity Editor :/

Anyways here's a video of me testing the box collision. I fixed the glitch in this video shortly after.


Been working on a Undertale framework for Godot. So far I am working on a clamping system so the soul thingy stays in the box.

Made an arena system for an undertale framework I am working on in Godot.
