Scooby Horror 1:
Added Graphics Settings.
Removed the teaser radio. Dunno why I left it in the game after Scooby Horror 2 came out.
Added a note hinting you to find Scooby Doo.
Added a hint to the gate, to let you know that Scooby Doo can spawn in there. It confused some players as to why it existed.
Removed the red flash when Captain Cutler spots you.
Added 32 bit version
Scooby Horror 2:
Added Graphics Settings
Added a new area to explore. It’s near the crane.
Fixed a randomly occuring audio bug with the ambushing Space Kooks.
Added 32 Bit version
Hope these new updates help!
I’ll release a 32 bit version of Scooby Horror 3 either today or tomorrow.