I’m just sad because it’s February and I told Eon64 that the PMMM models supposed to be due today (February) It’s because making lots of models take a long time! It’s my fault trying to keep annoying Eon64 about the models and I’m just to excited because I’m a fan of Madoka Magica, I don’t want Eon64 to stop working on the models! Everyone gets burned out sometimes… the reason why I sometimes annoy Eon64 about waiting for Kyoko is because I’m still being paitient, and I don’t know if Kyoko is done or not…
And yet was lots of Delays! I’m trying not to annoy Eon64, but I just get to excited! I’m REALLY sorry… :( please forgive me…I really want people too cheer me up… *continues sobbing…*