7 days ago

So, Another-D-Side-Story I Won't Join Them Anymore 😭😭



Next up

One thing I forgot Some people say that this character is called Suicide Bendy.avi But No, The Name is "Murderer Ink Demon.MPG" (The Name is Not Official)

My Version BF B-Side

Hunter Dog.Flv

Guys I am going to participate in this new mod called, Tuesday's Deliquency (Wednesday Infidelity B-Sides) the mod of Goofy, Angel Lemus he is the Director of this Mod so I will be participated in this new project

Goofy will be called "Hunter Dog.Flv" Name given By @AngelLemus_9a2e (The Name is Not Official)

#FanArtFriday My Version of this Character will be in Fabrication Tuesday V2! And Soplier 5

Well, it's my turn to work on some new Goofy sprites

Goofy's Satan Well I don't know if it's like that but well, Volinton (Satan B-Side)

Spoiler 6 Bendy Version Hank (Well a little)

It's Like Matrat But Rabbit Version