10 months ago

so as some of you may remember, I first started making games on unreal 5, later abandoned it and moved to clickteam where I now make fnaf fangames (read article)

the last game I made on unreal was called "BombMan", it never released but it was announced and had a page as well as a few devlogs, years have passed and I thought I lost the original Beta & Alpha builds, however as you probably can guess I FOUND THEM! turns out they were just really well hidden in my google drive!


there one thing tho i am abit confused about, the "beta" seems to actually be the alpha and the alpha seems to be the beta, the reason im saying that is because this is the "beta"'s main lobby:


however the original page for BombMan shows the "alpha"'s lobby instead which is this:


I also remember this being the main lobby as well, so either im misremembering or back then I didnt name my stuff properly.

edit: the devlogs seem to confirm my suspicion as the second devlog claims the lobby area is finished, which basically confirms the builds were incorrectly named.

anyways, while its unfinished I will release the builds here for you all play and take a look at, enjoy!

BombMan by Mr Malos - Game Jolt



Next up

I made a Box today as Practice, I tried to do it as "professionally" as possible. I'd like some feedback, honest feedback please however more about how the box is made rather than how it looks.

hey I tested this game and I give it the malos approval, please play it & do max mode videos.

This is my friend's first released fnaf fangame, pretty simple but also pretty good!


I promised I'd do it & now here you go.

You know the rules & if you somehow dont, theres a README file waiting inside the zip for you.


You may remember me teasing this a couple days back, im not sure if I want to finish it after taking a short break from it.


Super Mario World.


Tails and Luigi.

for anyone curious, here's me speed modeling the disamol model.


When I was a kid, I legitimately used to think that Withered Freddy's endo jaw was a bear trap.

i'm not kidding.

to the person who put cabin face family chapter 1 on the mml: you BETTER remember to charge that chromebook

Malos' Fans when he doesnt make a game after 17 days (He's fans are starving)