Five Nights at Puppyton's
1 year ago

So, before I release the update for FNAP 1. Should I quickly get a phone guy/girl for the game? The game has literally no sounds besides footsteps and stuff. I will be fixing that also, don't worry.

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These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

art comission.

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Strange Umbrella