Showman's: Long Hours

1 year ago

So dark, so cold...

Devlog for Phobia: Long Hours!




After almost an entire year of working on them, crying at least once every month since October, trying to figure stuff out, the camera views for Long Hours have been finished!


To be fair, I did drop doing them a short while after I started them to focus on the character's AI to make sure the gameplay was a little better, and boy I'm glad I did. Not only did that iron out a lot of flaws in the gameplay, but also it allowed me to showcase the game during Fangame Direct back in November last year. That should explain why the shots were only of the office and not really any of the cameras.

Also, big shoutout to @TheresNoSteak for helping out by making some great looking models for the rooms! They really did an amazing job during a time I really needed the help. I haven't been my best for a long while now, but with this out of the way I'm feeling amazing, and I could not have done it without them!

A while back I made a big decision to cut out a few cameras from the game, which, while unfortunate, they didn't serve a big purpose gameplaywise. It was also to save my sanity. The number of cameras has been greatly reduced since the start of the project and now the building feels a little more realistic anyway, so that's a plus.

I'm very happy with the way these turned out. They're not perfect, but they're far better than The Awakening's cameras in my opinion. I'm happy with them, and that's what matters most to me.

So, what's next?

My next step is to further fix up the gameplay mechanics to ensure it'll be a more enjoyable experience. The gameplay was totally different during the start of last year, and a few mechanics really clash right now. I should be getting pretty close to finishing up this part of the game though!

That does not mean the game is nearing completion, however... :)



Next up


Devlog for Long Hours!

The Wiggles Five Nights at Freddy's: Prolonged Time


Coming soon in 2023!


Phobia: Long Hours has hit 2,000 followers!

Thank you all so much!

totally legit lore i promise (im lying)


I LOVE the atmosphere from the trailer. Really excited to play this one!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Happy day of completion to Phobia: The Awakening!

While nothing super exciting, the UI has been given a much-needed upgrade!

Very happy with the results!

Algo mas complejo.

Something more complex.

Currently better optimizing the models of the animatronics for The Awakening, just to improve the game's performance in 3D scenes they're visible in a little more. They're turning out great!