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i swear Sonic Frontiers have the best soundtracks on it, but this one is absolutely a phenomenal, my favorite, i might play it again


You should all go and follow @Starbruhz

He's working on a dope fnaf game with Game Jolt Creators in it, and is just a cool dude in general.

Let's make him a Creator asap by following him!

"Hayami-chan" not just "Hayami". reeeee-

Jokes aside, cool seeing people inspired by my work,

keep it up.

chillin on sonic the hedgehog 2, i played it so many times on these years and i really can't stop playing it, is my most favorite sonic game

how mina is not added on ultra rumble yet aahh!!

literally my favorite character

Hayami-Chan with a somewhat new look, wooooooh!!

and yes, Hayami-chan were always suppose to be like a Maid-ish kind of character lol.

oki, i won't leave, i'll be fine

hope you guys are enjoying well life.