4 days ago


I'd like to begin by addressing that... I am canceling Vidlin. Kind of. I'm not really ready to address the story and characters, it's all a mess and I'd like to redo it sometime around 2025. I had big plans, really big plans but unfortunately, fate has brought us here.


I was gonna start adapting to the traditional comic style, but drawing has me stressed. It's not just that though, I don't know where in the story I'm going. I'm lost. I will now proceed to take Vidlin out of my mind and maybe next year or so, I will get back to it with a fresh new start. Yes, that's right. I will redraw everything from the start with changes in the story.


So... What now? Well, I'm currently in the stage of messing around and posting random stuff from time to time. But, I do have this project in mind which I'd like to get to soon this year. It's related to my OC and I'd also like to focus on Youtube a little bit. I really enjoy making videos.


I hope you all are having a wonderful day, peace!



Next up


A documentary I made. (Voice Reveal)


I gave this free software a try. I'm still getting the hang of it. So far, It's really nice.

: FireAlpaca

Did I do the lighting correctly...?



I wrote a little something, I'm pretty bad at writing so I hope it's good. Tell me what you think! ^^



New discord account, send me a friend request!

Vidlin # 1

Finally getting started on this thing.

Stealing Art