Devling, the Soulreaper

3 years ago

So guys

its finished the Full game, hope you like it!


-new begining

-final devling battle

-2 new areas

-and some other things :)

i really hope you like it, it was so hard to make, so please, try leaving a reply in this post about how is it :D



Next up

Heyo! i bring great news! the game have its official site!

where i'ill put for download every snapshot! just not to post here and mess everything up! and yes, the alpha of devling chapter 2 just realesed! check it out!

Heyo, im here just to say, we couldnt develop devling from some days now :(

a VERY STRONG storm attacked here where we live, so, everyones wifi and energy fall out, so yea, its not expected to stop :(

i recorded a video!

so, enjoy! :D

its posted on the site! and thanks for all the support that you have given us! it means a loooot :)

if you want, leave a review in this post! it helps a lot!

stay safe!


A lot of ddveloping :0

Heyo! i have news! i was delevoping by a days now, a idea, someone asked me: "why dont you make a VERY HARD battle?" so, i do, do not worry, it has all the devling first chapterr essence, AND its VERY DIFFICULT, like, 100X more then Sherlock! 150k HP! GL!

Finished the 3 demo!

and i have to tell you!

-I improved the battle system!

-add a new area!

-the first devling boss fight!(there will be another)

-and more!

i think you all will love it, like i loved making it!

but was hard, so, hope you all like it!

kevin got a rework on the design!

I LAUNCHED A DEMO, a rewrited version of the game

changing a LOT of things, to make broken minds explain the lore better, some of them includes make the game easier :p

the demo should be out in some time >:3

Katty Pixels has joined the game!