Faceless Ayato Boss Battle will not be introduced in 1.2, because there are technical problems with him, sorry.
1.2 is 75% ready, only HellFire Challenge, other skins to do and another final gamemode needed to do.
TheJonathon is now medic
Faceless Ayato Boss Battle will not be introduced in 1.2, because there are technical problems with him, sorry.
1.2 is 75% ready, only HellFire Challenge, other skins to do and another final gamemode needed to do.
TheJonathon is now medic
Coming Soon in April... / Скоро в Апреле...
September 25th
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Я и мурзик смотрим на код и понять не можем, что надо исправить, чтобы потом игра нахер не сломалась
Unfinished and Unused Art for 1.2 Update with Achievement Art Style, that originally was to be Banner for Update Release
60 Seconds!