2 years ago

So hey... Tylerboi here

I just wanna talk to you guys something I've wanted to do with my OCs and maybe some other of my Friends OCs together for a loooong time awnce I first made My OC Goji Klyntaria

Voice acting!

Why you saying this you ask?

It's because, I've been thinking about doing an animatic or at least try to make a script of at least two or one of my OCs talking to another friends OC and having maybe a little chat or having like a small heart to heart thing

I've been watching some animatics (mostly the lost Chris Farley Shrek) and I really wanted to try something similar but the voice for Goji and My other OCs are difficult and hard to think of what their attitude, personality or voice would sound like it

So maybe if you guys wanna try to do a little Voice acting with me on working on a project I'm doing please let me know, okay

Peace ✌️



Next up

Happy new year everybody!!!!!!!

Doomed.rom aka @VibingLeaf 's take on Sonic.EXE

(This character was created by him, he does do much good talent too)

IM DONE!!!!!!!!

Caption this

Goji Klyntaria Ref Sheet

Made by @SpoopyLocks

Weapons and quotes are made by me

My boy

Me when people ask what's happened when they'll see Sonadow

(Sorry to any Sonadow people out there but it's kinda true, also this a mostly a joke)


H e l l o

(I'm pretty sure you know where this is from)