Equestrian Horrors: Library Lurkers (Development on Hold)
2 years ago

So I have a multitude of notes on this game already, I don't have anything coded yet or the enemy designs figured out. But I have a lot of notes for it. Especially most of the Enemy Behaviors.

• Twilight Sparkle (Night 1) - Approaches from the entrance, making her to the office. When she appears in the office, she will stare at the player. You must hide under the Desk in order for her to leave, the longer she's in the office the longer she takes to leave. Keeping track of her on the cameras, and Preemptively hide before she appears deals with her the fastest. If the player fails to stop her, she'll kill them.
• Fluttershy (Night 2) - Approaches from the back Entrance, making her way to the office. When she appears she will stare at the player. Since she's blind, Hiding won't work, instead you must unplug the monitor to remove the noise. The more noise there is, the faster she arrives. Keeping Track of her on the cameras and Preemptively shutting off the monitor is the fastest way to deal with her. If the player fails to stop her, she'll kill them.
• Rainbow Dash (Night 3) - Potentially a Foxy Mechanic
• Rarity (Night 4) - Possibly a Mechanic similar to PNM's from Five Nights at Bud's Rebooted
• Applejack (Night 5) - Approaches from the Storage and will make their way to the vents in the Bathroom or Janitors Closet, once in the vents she will make her way to the office giving off a sound que when she's closest. You will need to hide from her once you hear that sound que you need to hide from her in order for her to go away. Unless she's delt with, she will kill the player. She's the simplest threat of the 6, but as a result she has the shortest route to the office and her leaving is less obvious then Twilight or Fluttershy.
• Pinkie Pie (Night 6) - Occasionally appears on the Cameras. If her laughter is heard, you must find her on the cameras and stare at her until she leaves. If ignored, she'll kill the player.
• Pinkie's Head (Same Night as OG Pinkie) - Sometimes Pinkie's Head will randomly appear on Cameras. Should you spot it, you have a short amount of time to close the camera monitor or move to another camera or else it will scare you paralyzing you with fear for a little while.



Next up

Logo art for me and the Dev team of Equestrian Horrors. At the moment I'm the only member, but rest assured everyone who may join later will be properly credited.

I have way too many notes for this game already. I will make most of them happen however, I want this fan game to be a reality and truly be a fantastic fan game with tons of meaty content, not just a good Pony FNAF game.

Finally working towards a gamejolt page for my game and here's the Thumbnail for it as well as a name drop of sorts.


I was experimenting with my art style and made this. It a simi teaser for a bigger project I'm working on.

Rat Race Production Update

Alright, I've already dropped two previews now and I have Game Maker Ready to start coding the game when ready but I have no idea how to code anything. If any of you could help, it'd be greatly Appreciated.

While I'm currently working on my own Pony FNAF game, I just made this video to show off the 6 A.M. jingle for it.

''Could someone be at my window?''

It's only when I say it is....