Traviata Infinita [Cancelled]
4 years ago

So, I'm developing again. I added some cool effects and item properties.



Next up

New graphics!

New dashing mechanic added!

Also, I added a counter in the ship's side to show how many "jumps" you have left.

17/02 Screenshot.

Added some animations and items. Also now items tell you what they affect.

This is not even %50 of the dungeon. Jeez.

Do you like big areas?

Self explanatory .png's is the name of my new indie band.

New Stuff!

-New enemy sprites and animations.

-Star item, which makes a wave that destroys enemies.

A preview of my ongoing painting of Laharl.

More enemies sighted!

Streetsad part 3 bosses!!

Which one's your favourite?