2 years ago

So I'm getting a solo episode on the genius cast, be sure to leave any questions you'd have for me there


The last time I was on something like this but I was with @IvanG on that episode, but I kinda had things going on from my end (family stuff) and most of the questions were for the man himself anyways, so let's see how this goes.

If you don't have twitter I guess you can drop any questions here and I'll inform Bud about it.

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Next up

Merry Christmas, I hope you all got coal under your tree

Aw shi we approaching 2k followers on the community. I might have to post something if we hit the goal.

I kinda wanna expand out what I post here on Gamejolt like what I post on Twitter, on the side I like to play a bit of Pokemon GO so what if I post some achievements I get, like this Hundo Dratini from Spotlight Hour?

Mac Tonight: Grimace Birthday Shake Special

Five Nights at Treasure Island (Original 2017 Version) now available on the collection page

Tempted to do a render of Grimace with the Grimace shake, if I were to do that does anyone have like a texture of the cup for me to put a mesh, or offer to make one? I'll give credit where need be of course! Plugin 'n all

Another faker much wow. Too lazy to write again here just read the tweet or whatever


The Lost Ones Lore be like


Coming back from the grave for a minute to say Happy World Rat day haha