1 month ago

So I'm making a game

Now to get this out of the way as soon as I can: No, this is not Friedrich related. While I do have plans on including a Green Boy reference in the extras, this game has nothing to do with Friedrich's as a whole.

So, why am I talking about it here on the Friedrich's community? Well, I don't really have a platform or online presence outside of this place, and I'm awfully proud of what I've made here especially in such a short amount of time. It isn't finished yet, but when it is I might post a link here. Probably not, if Ryon doesn't want me too I won't.

Right, now that I've gotten my half-hearted sob story out of the way (/j), what even is this game?

As you may have guessed from the fact I'm posting this to a community based on a FNaF fangame, this is one of those and it's called "6 Hours with a Red Square". It's a trial-and-error game (which is my convenient excuse for poorly explaining mechanics) and I made it for coding practice. I've canned a lot of my Scratch games in the past, key among them being the Insomniac Friedrich game I sadly lost interest in.

I've really wanted to actually finish making a proper FNaF fangame for months upon months, and now that I'm almost there I was really eager to share it with you all. Feel free to ask me questions about it and I'll try answering them without giving away too many spoilers.


Ryon, if you have any issue with me promoting my game here or how I've done it, please let me know.



Next up

#MyGOTY My favorite video game (at least for now) is easily Gato Roboto. Please play it as soon as you can it's such a fun game. Speedrunning this game is super fun.

Have you ever wanted to get murdered by a bunch of squares? No? TOO BAD!

6 hours with a red square out now: https://gamejolt.com/games/REDSQUAREGAMING/969005

Fun Friedrich trivia! Did you know that Friedrich was originally named Johnathan?

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Friedfreaks! A wonderfully mediocre jazz band consisting of a mad scientist, a narcissistic snake rabbit, a great big cuddly bear, and a Lovecraftian horror wearing a chicken skin suit.

It happened everybody! Ryon reached 1000 followers! I'm a bit late to the party but who cares because RYON HAS 1000 FOLLOWERS LET'S GOOO!!!!! Ryon, if you're reading this become a creator ASAP so you can get money and fund Felix's addiction.

HAPPY 1000!!!

First Friedrich's post of the new year! I would've liked to do something a lot more elaborate, but Pillar Chase 2 did a really good job of killing my motivation to be productive.

Please give a warm welcome to Johnathan, my take on a Friedrich-ified Fred Bear. And also, a way to call back to a joke from one of Ryon's streams.

@Marxfan2008 Sorry I'm late.

Okay... how the fuck do I explain what this is?