6 hours ago

so I’m writing a story with my characters where this is another universe where they’re Gundam characters..? [article]

She took a step back and punched him lightly in the arm, her frustration manifesting in physical form. “You think it’s okay to just run off like that? To chase revenge while I’m stuck in a hospital bed?”

Zerouno braced himself, knowing he deserved every soft blow. “I—”

“Don’t,” she cut him off, another punch landing on his shoulder. “You didn’t think about me at all, did you?! It was all about getting back at the Tatoba! What about us!?”

Her fists moved faster now, each hit softer than the last, but they were laced with emotion. “I was there, Jyn. I should have been there for you,” he said, trying to explain, but she wasn’t done.

“You should have thought about what would happen! What if you didn’t come back!?” Another punch, this time to his stomach, “oomph..” he grunted.

“I-I’m sorry—” he replied, wishing he could take it all back.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it!” she yelled, another punch hitting his chest. “I was scared every second, wondering if you were okay, if you were alive. While you were off playing hero, I was stuck there!”

Her eyes glistened with tears, and her punches slowed but still went at it. “You don’t get to make decisions for me..! I want to fight too!! I want to protect what we have!!”

Zerouno reached out, gently grabbing her wrist, pulling her closer. “Then I won’t leave you.. I-I promise..”

But Jyn was still mad, the frustration still bubbling beneath the surface. “You better mean that,” she said, her voice wavering.



Next up


So like.. I’m dead on here?

Bro is in his emo phase 💀💀💀

This is the paid commission I just finished and it took me 6 HOURS but it was worth it

Did your oc ever have a “burn it all down” moment? Describe it.

NO WAY he did NOT just change his profile 💀💀💀

This fucking survey is wilding

Finally drawing, this took me soooo long

Shit just got real