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Alright I color these two for my friends
Noeila betancourt belongs to @SerialDesingnationN-07
Nico belongs to @serialdesignationclover
Papyrus: the unnecessary prequel
So, I finished one chapter of my Undertale/deltarune AU fanfic
So I want your opinion because once I'm done with this I'm gonna try to fix it
@embermouse , I had to wait enough time for this to load,
But I'm here to say,
You think your room is messy, wrong
Wait till you see mine in this room tour
Here's a 5 second clip of my doing papyrus voice from undertale
..Been bedridden all day,, sheesh 😭👌
Thank you for being patient with me and sticking by. As soon as I recover fully I’ll be back to drawing,, thank you soso much for caring - see you soon 🙏💖
Want more clips?
Already did another, this time I'm doing the shucks lyrics I made