11 months ago

so i need a bit of help, i made a mistake in my story, i need Yes&No questions, meaning with that question there i can't keep going, maybe there is a way to turn it into a Yes&No questions, or just a diffren't Yes&No question, anything so i can keep going



Next up

Mom made photos!!!!!!


Awww aren't they just lovely

Everyone thank my mom for more photos please

I wanna go to my apple tree baby's in person now TwT

Oh how about a little spoiler for ya in the article

@Sow_My_Stitches ask me to color a frog wizard base of thers so here it is ^^

a little purple Asexual/Demisexual wizard frog lul

cheek out their recoloring of my frog for better quality in the article ^^

#Freshpril giving out flowers but to who? maybe to you?

this title is so much better then the original I went with T^T

this didn't turn out at all how I wanted it to, mainly since I gave up on it.. which is sad since the first sketches are really good

Me neither

Day0 out of the fridge for my second tree ^^

Look his wearing his seed still like a hat and it's so cute!!

I wanna draw them as humans now!!!


Idk but there probably are a lot


This is #DynoLina my #DynoOC I made for fun because I wannted to know how I would look like as one of those #Dynocation

A few things could be better out but for the idea it self it already works out for me

Thank you @KivBunny for introducing me to those

Baki Fanart 〔Status : Finished〕

⧼orignal Character Of @Dynocation Baki⧽

Style I used and inspired of Baki

Artstyle credit to Dynocation 『Baki』

Hope you like it Baki ^^


The #Earth where Giot is living in. Doodled for the ArtWeeklies as this is the only idea I had and I also forgot to draw something for the ArtWeeklies again. I also never got to draw the Earth form that story dissipated of how clear it is in my mind.