Before I start talking about my few gripes with the movie, I'll start off with the positives so I won't get witch hunted.
I loved the story for this movie, it wasn't a oscar award winning story, but it was definitely great and actually made me almost tear up a bit. The visuals were fricking amazing man, one of the better looking movies I've seen in a while, especially with the fight scenes which I won't say spoil don't worry. The characters were also great as well, Eggman and Shadow were definitely the highlights of the movie for me. The references were nice, even though some felt forced. And the music, oh my GOD they absolutely nailed it with the soundtrack, especially the final battle which I also won't spoil.
Now that we got the positives out of the way, let's start talking about the problems I had with this movie. My biggest problem with this movie is the pacing, dear god it was too fast (even for a Sonic movie) and it mostly felt all over the place in the beginning and at the end, the only time I thought the movie was decently paced was the middle of the movie. Another problem I have with it is that Shadow barely talks in this movie, and I don't think the movie does a good enough job of exploring Shadow as a character that much besides his backstory.
Though that's the only problems I have with the movie, I still enjoyed it and really liked it. It's an overall 8/10 for me. I don't think it's a masterpiece that people are making it out to be due to the gripes I have with it, but I still had a really good time with it overall.
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