9 days ago

So it looks like all these issues were stemming from the Chunk Change fix for when NPC's swap chunks as well as the sysTimer culling them again.

It's now done correctly, and they get culled again as soon as they update chunk.

Now to see how it effects going to The Underground.

Need to check both NPC's entering and leaving, while the player is above the stairs, anywhere else on the island and downstairs.




Next up

OK! Think it's all working?

All of this is the same map, I just cull the Island Surface when you go to The Underground, and cull the Underground when you go anywhere else.

The Caves are generated when you visit them and are fully RNG.

Yup, looks like going to The Underground and going to The Caves all works right! NPC's get left behind when you go to the Caves, as intended, but they get paused so I might want to remake the Caves like the Underground so they can keep active.

More pixel art! This is of my friend Luka!

They're a bartender now

Think me taking a day off since I've gotten all that done.

If you haven't already please go read my progress post



or here


Thank you

Keep being awesome everyone!

Been fixing a bunch of NPC bugs I made when I got them to interact with Stairs, I don't think I've got them all yet, but it seems to be all working again.

The second I stopped recording the Goblin on the left teleported off the chair...

So tired, have a wizard!

Still doing code stuff, so another pixel art gif!

This character belongs to @AemAsca , another amazing pixel artist! Go look at their pixels!!


Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you're all doing well! I am SO looking forward to lunch today, I need that chicken

You're all awesome, please remember to be kind to yourself.

Have yourself a fantastic day, take care!

Doing lots of code stuff, so have some pixelart!

This is one of @bluewit 's characters (they do amazing pixelart!!), I really love how it turned out. This one really made me want to redo all my Goblin hair parts in my game to be less complicated!

Saw some people posting gamedev water pics so I though I'd join in. Here's how my water currently is. I need to learn more about shaders and surfaces so I can improve it.