10 months ago

So the @xubur_cat guy has kinda being stalking me and @ROLL50_ I usually don't give a f*ck but he got confused my friend @ROLL50_ . Anyways, this is my only comment for him althought I blocked him:



Next up

"How did your depression start?"



Finally Working on cams, and yeah, unlike my other games the cams move here. Oh and there are more layers for the cams too.


Porfin trabajo en las camaras, y si, en este juego las camaras se mueven, no como los otros. Y hay capas tambien.


This are the few images I have yet, early dev. But ill add more soon, and make a header.


Estas son las pocas imagenes que tengo por ahora de desarrollo temprano. Agregare mas cosas proximamente.

Devlog on Chapter 3:

Stayin' at Rodney's art characters by @Bruhsta27 Stayin' at Rodney's https://gamejolt.com/games/stayinatrodney2/828933

Working on Chp 3 now...

Minigame Images

(Also updated the game's soundtrack)

Imagenes de los minijuegos

(Tambien actualize el soundtrack)

Progress on my #springbonnie cosplay

Im cooking!

Gente, se viene!