1 year ago

so the Rerailed Trilogy is slowly going to turn one year old.

as some of you might know, i have plans to reboot this series eventually and make it one of my best games i will ever make,

now i said i would probably get on it once the games turn one year old but theres also another thing i want before i would start on a reboot,

now i dont mean this in a egotistical way but i want to have more followers so more people would check out the reboot,

cuz if i start this i will really put my time into it and make it have a great scale of quality, would be a shame to then have barely anyone playing it you know?,

i hope you guys dont mind this, i might even change my mind and start the reboot when i feel like it but for now thats the plan.



Next up


Announcing: Another Generic Fredbear Game


guys, i think something is wrong with my fnati

On Thursday, ‎8. ‎February ‎2024 the first attempt of reviving the rerailed trilogy was made.

it ended up quickly being cancelled due to lack of motivation. (read article)

It's me spawndayyy!!!


Another Generic Fredbear Game - Devlog #1


Quick Review of: Summer of the Twenty One

hmm, I wonder.