23 days ago

So.. the results on the voting for if I should quit, came back even.

So, for now, I'll stay. But, I won't post often, like at all, maybe once every 3 days or once a week.

Anyways, take this oc.



Next up

Just the duo going through some disagreements πŸ₯°

Uhm. So, this is a vent.. sorry I keep venting ://

I made this a few days ago, and just never wanted to post it's. But I haven't posted in a while, so here, have my feelings-

Haha. Shoo, I'm about to vent my heart out, and this site just happens to not give two cares if I do so. So, all y'all scroll past like ya usually do <3

Lana and bubble

When this song comes on when you're making a totally new design for Hadley::

πŸ’€ (She looks like she belongs in a horror flick/book..)

Falling scene

Quinn's new designm

A total change from his old design(s)πŸ’€ (2nd and 3rd pic)

Just an informative video for lore about the different demon types and like how to tell what type of sin the represent--

This took wayy too longπŸ’€

Cat coffee


(Could've done better, but I lost motivation like right when I was in the middle of making herπŸ’€)