23 days ago

So there has been this weird chill in my body since I made the poll if I should make a YouTube Channel.. now I don't know what to do.. Read the article for more info.. Please Comment Your Response..

So Pretty Much Since I Made A YouTube Channel Poll If I Should Make A Channel.. And there is this chill that has made me uncomfortable for awhile.. Like it wants we to back up from it.. Like it knows something I don't.. My own body it stopping me from doing this.. I'm having the chills.. I don't know what to do now.. It Feels scary.. I don't know now.. I will try to make it in the future.. It feels weird doing it now because of this chaos.. So now I will make the YouTube Channel in the future.. NO BUTS! I NEED MY MOMENTS JUST LIKE YOU! So Yeah.. Have a Nice Day..



Next up

I Have An Official YouTube Channel Now! Check it Out! https://www.youtube.com/@A-Granny-Player (Or Check The Description!) Also Go Follow @TheAnomaly248 He Very Nice! He Deserves 100 Followers and is My #1 Favorite Follower! https://www.youtube.com/@Mohammed_376 SUBSCRIBE TO HIM TOO!

FNaF+ Screenshots!


Yeah It's Me and Family!

Welp.. Here It Is Before Custom Night..

This isn't what I wanted.. IT'S WHAT I NEEDED!

What Do You Mean I Didn't Go Insane a Few Days Ago as Demon? Idk What Yall Are Talking About. I Tottally Did Not Turn Into A Demon a Few Days Ago..

Its Been 5 Months Since My 1st Post.. Hi Old Me.. I Miss You.. (My Original Name was NOT A-Granny-Guy. It was A-Granny-Person Until like one week Later I changed my name to The one You all know as @A-Granny-Player .)

Here I Go..