SFAcid: He is nice and mischievous and kind of gets mad (like me ofc)
Chocy: He is hyper and MORE mischievous than him
Merli: She is kind of stubborn and kind
Plas: She is a good-natured person by reasons
Nooby: His original appearance was in Nooby's Adventure in My Movie check edihpro in My Movie for more info.
Glove: His original appearance was in Adobe OS a graphic novel series that had 10 Graphic N
Evan: A bland, fragile character that appeared in a GIF I made myself
The gif:

Vain: Chocy's big brother that is tired and
Buldy: She is kind and nice by standard and snaps at rare occasions
I know people don't fucking care about this but atleast I'm trying my best so that's everything so goodbye 👋