Five Nights at Oofio's

3 years ago

So this was the original concept design for Oofio. (Yeah, I'm glad it changed.)

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Testing the warning screen. (This counts as a teaser btw)

Something's happening.

Merry Christmas!!! (Sorry for being late.)


I have updated the games Age ratings to fit the current content of the game.

(Does NOT apply to BETAs)

First image: New

Second image: Old

Rat Race Production Update

I know I'm late to this page's anniversary. But, ya know. Anyways... Here's an anniversary re-model of Prototype Oofio!

No, this model will not appear in game due to how close to being done it is.

The people have spoken. Here's a "first look" at the new character models. They are also being compared to the old ones here.

I use a lot of counters lol.