I know I’m not really that active and whenever I feature all your wonderful images or videos it can be days or hours later😅
So sorry about that-
But I just wanna let you know that I see all of it and I love all of them! <3
I’m glad that my Therian Community got so many members!
I’m so happy that therians are expressing themselves on GJ💚💚💚
But aside from that:
I know there can be some new awakened therians that have questions.
And to those people: You are always welcome to friend me and talk to me about it <3 I would be more than happy to help!
I had to research for about 3 years to come to terms that I am a therian. Some people may have taken longer. There’s still stuff that I could learn about and there’s always room for improvement when it comes to my understanding and explaining. But still if your confused and have questions I can tell you what I know <3
So please:
If your a new awaken therian or just a therian that wants help or has questions you can ask them on this post here!!!👇👇👇
I would be glad to hear your questions and answer them!