Underswap: DustTrust: --Papyrus Encounter-- [Unofficial]
1 year ago

So, uh, I'm a bit angry now.
Just watched the first playthrough for the game and noticed, that some places are unbeatable because of fps issue.
If someone already played the game and have this issue, can you tell me, how bad is the problem?



Next up

Details abount the game

bruh, rip DustTrust. What the hell even is going on in this reality.

I'm not lazy. I'm just extremely demotivated right now.

I think, this will be definitely the final design.

Ok, so, looking at vote pre-results, i've made a decision.

Since I want to release game today (30.12.2022), I'll do everything I can to release it in 4 Hours.

I'll do my best to draw good pictures, but no promises. After all, it's just a take, no more.

Not related to anything, I was bored It was month ago, sans's missing some details, lol sans sprite from US: Thanatos but HDed by Me Music by Amondra

Since I want to redo 'some' stuff, and my main priority isn't UTBS anymore right now, I'll drop this scrapped shitty Dusttrust-(Underswap Thanatos) phase 2 I've done.

Just some testing, more news will be near at the end of December

No promises, bu-u-u-ut......