2 years ago

So uh i made #Miku :D

it's weird to use hashtags lol



Next up

shares a bf bootleg plush found on a random mall at the state my grandma lives and leaves

mood (i loved milk inside a bag of milk and milk outside a bag of milk ^^)

aaaaand it happened again.

no offense to the guy commenting that, but this just makes me feel sad

sunset picture i took while waiting for a bus last wednesday

📍 Windhelm, Skyrim

i had no idea on what else to put on this so pretend this is the rawest, most badass piece of fanart tankman has ever received

i'm in actual heaven. I finally have a 3ds, a modded one even!

(i recorded this last night so there aren't too many games lol)

The peashooter, or as spanish bfn call it: Chicharin
