Five Nights at Sonic's: The Final Chapter

8 months ago

So uh the team and I decided to merge this game with another project of mine. They are both FNaS fangames that made sense to be merged together, so I will need to update the entire page

So have a nice day and have this concept design




Next up

Heres the designs of Busted Toy Sonic, Busted Toy Mario, and Decayed Tails! Since they have been done for a while its fair to show them (also yes I know I already showed Toy Sonic but just reshowing him)

oh, I honestly had no idea to be honest-

Hello, for the first ever post here are the standing sprites of the main 4

Lil darkened room

Get Ready For The Show!

Funtime Sanic and Funtime Kath designs

Getting progress done on the launcher finally, in the meantime here's the concept for said launcher

Currently looking for a coder

I've Come to Make an Announcment